To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Gover Cuomo: Stop the cuts to the disabled

We urge the NY State legislature to stop the $240 million in cuts proposed for the NY state budget by Governor Cuomo's budget and urge the Governor to withdraw these cuts which will deny basic services to vulnerable New Yorkers.

Why is this important?

Gov. Cuomo's budget proposal contains $120 million in cuts to services for people with developmental disabilities operated by non-profit service providers in NY state and $120 million more in cuts to the NYS Office for People with Developmental Disabilities. To balance the state's coffers on the backs of our most vulnerable citizens is a moral outrage that could end up denying these innocent people vital services. We never want to see a return to the days of the institutional hell-holes. Please help us stop these cuts!