To: President Donald Trump

Government: Don't Take our Pell Grants Away

Do not take away the Pell Grant for serious students. Anyone who has a good attendance policy and GPA should not lose their right to an education! Keep the Pell Grants for college students! In July of this year millions of students will be forced to quit college because they cannot afford to pay back student loans!

Why is this important?

Right now the government is planning on taking the Pell grant away from millions of students nationwide. The aim is to stop anyone who has accrued more than 12 full-time semester hours from getting the Pell grant anymore. This does not take into account the many students who are working toward BA degrees in their chosen field. I personally have a great GPA and an excellent record but will be forced to quit school when this goes into effect in July.

There will be a lot of students who have poor records, participation, huge drop rates, and they will be allowed to continue? Do we want serious students who have worked their butts off to maintain a good record and GPA to be forced to quit?? Should students with a poor record be allowed to continue while dedicated students are forced to mortgage their souls in order to continue?? Something needs to be done to weed out the poor students and allow those who are serious to continue!!
