To: President Donald Trump, The Georgia State House, The Georgia State Senate, Governor Brian Kemp, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Government, State Offices & Corporations Not Hiring Skilled Employees with Degrees and Experience...

There are many people out in America that have a Bachelor of Science from major colleges, or other degrees and a wide variety of work experience but cannot find employment. I am one of those individuals with 20 plus years of experience in the Information Technology industry. Bachelor of Science degree in Business, experienced with internal auditing for information technology an project coordination experiences, working in mainframe and distribute environment within an operations department, experience at gathering information, using Microsoft Office and a variety of appliations, experience with data entry, secretarial administration but I cannot get a call for an interview for any jobs for the past 5 years. WHY? Because I am 50 and older!

Why is this important?

Are you 50 and older and out of full time work? Have you been looking for work since 2010 or longer that your resume states you are qualified or overly qualified to do the job? Then why are we not being called in for an interview and or given employement? Because you have to state your age on all applications and once they calculate you are over 50 then noone is you or anyone 50 and older employees.
