To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Governments Read our Petitions and Post Your Response for Access by All

Grievance: The 1st amendment protects our rights to assemble and sign petitions to redress grievances, but our government has adopted procedures, policies and principles of law to prevent receiving, responding to and redressing our pleas.

Redress: All governments shall, other organizations may, establish an internet posting board for petitions with supporting documents open to all. Posting board shall show each petition it’s posting date, its subject index and tag words selected by the petitioner(s) -- each elected servant shall have a reserved space in state/district order with each petition to acknowledge their review date, any response and any actions taken for the redress.

Complaint Examples: Non persons: corporations, even foreign governments, etc., can access every elected servant by hiring agents; but we the natural born persons find that congress has setup their computers to block communications with the elected not in our home’s district. Peaceful assemblies in public places by persons exercising their free speech to redress complaints have been assailed. Where wealth purchased speech in the public’s airways can suggest/advocate violence without reprimands or rebuttals.

The public’s contract with and faith in its government for our constitutional rights is being breached.

Why is this important?

Your petitions to all governments/others will be ignored without this redress support.