To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Governor Brown: Stop Fracking in California

Fracking poisons our water, pollutes the land and air, causes earthquakes, and leaves California tax payers to pay the price of disposing of its toxic wastes. California can not afford to let Big Oil profit while using millions of gallons of our precious and inadequate water supply for this environmentally destructive process. Gov. Brown, place a moratorium on Fracking now!!

Why is this important?

I don't want the environment and the land to be destroyed due to the greed of the oil industry. I want to preserve and improve, not further destroy the health of our environment for our children and their children. Fracking contributes to global warming. We deserve to have clean air and drinking water. Gov Brown can stop the fracking as did New York State and Hawaii. Our State legislature needs to do more to promote development of clean energy instead of subsidizing the oil industry's rape of California.