To: Governor Andrew Cuomo

Governor Cuomo: Don't FRACK New York

Within the next few months, you will make perhaps the most momentous decision of your administration: whether to allow the method of natural gas extraction known as hydraulic fracturing in our state. The risks of human health, the environment, and the planet...clearly outweigh the benefits of more fossil fuels. Please don't allow hydraulic fracturing in New York.

Why is this important?

Fracking injects radioactive and toxic materials deep into the earth; fracking uses millions of gallons of fresh water which is returned to the surface as hazardous waste. Fracking industrializes the rural landscape with constant noise, air pollution, and dust from tanker trucks carrying fracking materials to and hazardous wastes from the wells. Gas wells release high levels of methane, which contributes to global climate change. People and animals suffer from exposure to fracking chemicals in the air and water. To save our planet and our land and water, it's time to concentrate on energy efficiency and developing renewables. Please tell Governor Cuomo: Don't FRACK New York.