To: Andrew Cuomo, Governor, Kenneth LaValle, NYS Senator, District 1, John Flanagan, NYS Senator, District 2, Thomas Croci, NYS Senator, District 3, Phil Boyle, NYS Senator, District 4, Carl Marcellino, NYS Senator, District 5, Kemp Hannon, ...

Governor Cuomo: Respect Public Ed and What #AllKidsNeed

Governor Cuomo has proposed a misguided, billionaire agenda for our public schools – focused on testing, privatization and unfair funding. It is becoming increasingly clear that he is intent on significantly diminishing the local, democratic control that has been the foundation of our public school system. Our focus must be on providing what students need and ensuring every child has a quality public school.

As your constituent, I demand that you act to reverse course and institute education standards and proven policies that are in the best interest of all students and communities.

We call on Gov. Cuomo and our legislators to visit our schools to learn what our kids need — from the people who know each child by name.

Why is this important?

The Governor's Opportunity Agenda does not support our public schools. We need a budget that helps teachers do their jobs. We are calling on legislators to approve a $2.2 billion state aid increase, end the GAP Elimination Adjustment; make good on districts’ prior-year claims; invest in statewide universal pre-kindergarten; embrace community schools; reduce class sizes; and reject any attempt to increase the impact of state standardized testing.
