To: Dr. John B. King, Jr., Commissioner of Education, The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Governor Cuomo: Suspend State E.L.A., Math, Soc. Studies, and Science Assessments for the 2012-20...

Don’t waste our children’s precious educational time and taxpayer money on state ELA, Math, Social Studies, or Science assessments this year. Standardized tests should be the last thing that New York families have to worry about in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.

Why is this important?

As a result of Hurricane Sandy, thousands of children in NYS will lose weeks of instructional time in school. Many will have to transfer to different districts due to the loss of their homes or destruction of their own school buildings. The upheaval caused by the storm will negatively impact their ability to learn. Results from tests taken under such devastating circumstances cannot possibly be accurate and will be a waste of educational time and taxpayer money. We are calling on the Governor Cuomo, the State Legislature and the State Education Department to skip the state assessments this year.
