To: The Oklahoma State House, The Oklahoma State Senate, and Governor Kevin Stitt

Governor Fallin: Promote Anti-Bullying in Oklahoma Schools

This petition is to promote tolerance in Oklahoma schools. I personally witnessed bullying in Oklahoma schools as a student in Oklahoma in the 1970's - 1980's. Unfortunately, Oklahoma has not promoted tolerance and the bullying is still a major problem in many Oklahoma schools. Any student identified as somehow different can quickly become a target and experience the damaging emotional, physical and psychological effects of bullying. Respect for diversity and differences need to be promoted in our public schools. Any kind of bullying based on differences such as physical, mental or emotional challenges, sexual orientation, gender, religion, body type, weight challenges needs to be addressed with a program to train students on how to prevent and address bullying. The health of our students and public school system is in the balance.

Why is this important?

This petition is to promote tolerance and end bullying in Oklahoma schools. The health of our students and public school system is in the balance.
