To: The South Carolina State House, The South Carolina State Senate, and Governor Henry McMaster

Governor Haley: Stop Blocking Medicaid Dollars

Dear Governor Haley and Honorable members of the State Legislature of South Carolina:

Medicaid expansion dollars which are being made available to
states under the Affordable Care Act are an important
investment in providing expanded healthcare to the citizens of
our South Carolina.

This important federal health care funding would not require any monetary contribution from our state in the first three years of the program. In succeeding years South Carolina would only contribute approximately ten cents for every dollar received under this program.

Even a child knows that exchanging a dime for a dollar is an amazing return on investment. In our case the the return to our state in the form of improved healthcare would be $10 billion dollars for expanded coverage of those in need.

Please support all available Medicaid funding for South Carolina!


Charles F. Black, III
8727 Middleton Point Lane
Edisto Island, S.C. 29438

Why is this important?

S.C. Governor Nikki Haley is attempting to gather support to reject Medicaid Expansion dollars provided under the Affordable Care Act.
