To: Governor Jay Inslee
Governor Inslee: It's time for a fair COLA!
The facts are clear: Classified state employees have not received an across-the-board salary increase in more than six years, and during part of that time they sustained a 3% salary reduction. Also during this period, health care premiums were increased by 25% and the Consumer Price Index rose by more than 12%.
The conclusion is obvious: Classified state employees need a fair cost of living adjustment (COLA) along with stable health care costs.
Governor Inslee: It’s time for a fair COLA along with stable health care costs for classified state employees.
The conclusion is obvious: Classified state employees need a fair cost of living adjustment (COLA) along with stable health care costs.
Governor Inslee: It’s time for a fair COLA along with stable health care costs for classified state employees.
Why is this important?
WPEA’s bargaining teams have been arguing all summer that classified state employees need a fair COLA along with stable health care costs, but management still doesn’t get it!