To: ACLU, CNN, 60 Minutes, Dateline, MSNBC, PBS, President Donald Trump, The Colorado State House, The Colorado State Senate, Governor Jared Polis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Governor John Hickenlopper: Release my brother from prison immediately!!!

Please help my family!!! In short, my brother and I reported him over 11 years ago to CO authorities to get help for drinking and his first and only sex offense when he molested his stepdaughter while intoxicated. Of course, there are deep seeded alcohol and dysfunction issues that led to this, but the state of CO is abusing and violating the judicial system, constitutional rights and lying to keep my brother in prison for life. He is not a danger to society as documented by two judges and repeated testing and evaluation shows. He is also a nonviolent sex offender who is low risk to reoffend due to the circumstances of his crime and this was his first and only sex crime. My brother’s specific crime is that he fondled his stepdaughter 13 years ago in December 2001. He reported himself and plead guilty to get help for his family and himself, but CO DOC, CO Parole Board and CO Governor are exploiting an indeterminate sentencing law that was enacted by CO legislature specifically to target sex offenders keeping him in prison longer than any other state for his crime.

CO State refuses to parole him after having completed treatment beyond what most sex offenders do and 10 years in prison claiming his crime is too severe whereas my brother NEVER raped anyone or ever did this again while living in house with victim for two years. Even his victim says punishment is too severe and those within the system are trying to escalate my brother's crime to the worst of the worst when he is the low of the low. He has been treated more than any person ever as a low risk nonviolent sex offender and they are trying to use their system to make him out to be a serious serial pedophile by abusing power and judicial system, lying to families and whatever they can to carry out personal agenda towards anyone with sex offender label. They praise murderers and those with much more severe crimes while treating my brother as if he is the worst human that ever walked on this earth. My brother was remorseful immediately when he came to his senses about what he had done. We have followed everything they have asked and yet they still refuse to parole our brother. There are rapist and murderers that do less time than my brother and never get life in prison or even the time he has done already. We (my brother and I) reported what he did to get help and this is how we are treated. Please help us, as we have no authority over them. All his family resides in other states. My brother is left alone in the CO state prison system in their corrupt mess of a so-called DOC and parole board. I cannot find not one other state that this goes on in. The state I live in, WA State has one of the best sex offender programs, and yet they will not allow him to parole here with one of the best parole plans a sex offender can have. This is insane and so wrong on all levels. Please help our family, as we cannot go on in this crazy messed-up system in CO. They let declared serial pedophiles out and have a revolving door with them, but not low-level offenders. Makes no sense at all. Their system is so hosed-up and inhumane. My brother and we have watched the state of CO parole serious sex offenders only to see them return. Yet they will not parole my brother??? This is the biggest insane mess that plays with people’s lives that I have ever seen. They are tormenting us and treating us this way for no other reason than, they can! After going through this, corruption, lies and illegal justice, phony justice, and seeing all I have by trying to do the right thing and be a good member of society, this has become overwhelming for our entire family. Colorado State is allowed to get away with the worst sex offender program in the nation with their unfair process, which is illegal and corrupt and based on a personal agenda. I just need someone to look at my brother’s case to see that they are exploiting their laws and system to keep my brother in prison for life. It and it is very clear what they are doing. It is the pendulum swinging way past the norm.

Why is this important?

Because my brother and I and family trusted the CO correction system and they have lied and used and abused powers to keep my brother in prison longer than anyone else in country for the crime he committed.
