To: The North Carolina State House, The North Carolina State Senate, and Governor Roy Cooper

Governor McCrory and NC State Legistlators- teachers need their "step" pay brought up to date.

The state of North Carolina needs to value public school education as it's biggest asset. That cannot occur when we are in the lowest 7 states for pay, and teachers have not received their contracted "step" pay that they were promised when they were hired. Since it is a right-to-work-state, we do not have a strong way to let you know our dissatisfaction other that petitions and e-mails. We are losing great teachers and not getting the best teachers to come to our state and work. Please be the group that fixes this problem and leads our great state to the top of the lists in education and away from the bottom.

Why is this important?

Teachers in North Carolina need the pay that was promised to them when they were hired.
