To: Governor Larry Hogan
Governor O'Malley: It's time to raise the minimum wage!
Governor O'Malley: It's time to raise Maryland's minimum wage.
Why is this important?
Can anyone raise a family on $15,000 per year? $1,250 per month? Of course not. Meanwhile on Wall Street, corporate profits are way up and the stock market reached record highs. But Congress hasn't raised the minimum wage since 2007. President Obama called for a minimum wage hike, and Democrats in Congress want to raise it to $10.10 per hour. But John Boehner and Tea Party Republicans won't let the minimum wage bill see the light of day.
Record profits while low wage workers can't support a family. That's just not fair.
Here in Maryland, we don't need to wait for John Boehner to give low-wage workers a raise. State legislators in Annapolis are pushing to raise the minimum wage to $10 per hour and then index it to inflation. That way as the cost of living goes up, the minimum wage will keep pace.
The bill faces stiff opposition from the usual suspects: Wal-Mart, McDonalds, and right-wing think tanks funded by the likes of Karl Rove. If they had their way there wouldn't even be a minimum wage!
Sign the petition below to tell Governor O'Malley, Senate President Mike Miller, and Speaker of the House Mike Bush: Working families can't wait for Congress. It's time to step up and lead the way for working families. President Obama has called for increasing the minimum wage, but for 500,000 low-wage workers in Maryland, we need Governor O'Malley to show that he is willing to stand up to Wal-Mart and McDonalds and raise the minimum wage now.
Record profits while low wage workers can't support a family. That's just not fair.
Here in Maryland, we don't need to wait for John Boehner to give low-wage workers a raise. State legislators in Annapolis are pushing to raise the minimum wage to $10 per hour and then index it to inflation. That way as the cost of living goes up, the minimum wage will keep pace.
The bill faces stiff opposition from the usual suspects: Wal-Mart, McDonalds, and right-wing think tanks funded by the likes of Karl Rove. If they had their way there wouldn't even be a minimum wage!
Sign the petition below to tell Governor O'Malley, Senate President Mike Miller, and Speaker of the House Mike Bush: Working families can't wait for Congress. It's time to step up and lead the way for working families. President Obama has called for increasing the minimum wage, but for 500,000 low-wage workers in Maryland, we need Governor O'Malley to show that he is willing to stand up to Wal-Mart and McDonalds and raise the minimum wage now.