To: Governor Greg Abbott
Governor Perry: Allow the Medicaid expansion to go forward in the state of Texas
“I’m almost positive we have said publicly that we would take 80 percent less of the money if they’d give us 100 percent flexibility. We could cover more people and do it cheaper, but the federal government refuses to allow states the flexibility. They just don’t want to cede control of that almighty free money that they have up there,” - Governor Rick Perry
We Demand that you stop playing politics with the lives of Texans. 1 in 4 Texans remain uninsured. 17% of the children in Texas have no health insurance. Everything is bigger in Texas, we are ranked first among the nation in the number of uninsured.
The Medicaid expansion will allow more than 1 million adults and over 800,00 children to get the care that they need.
We Demand that you stop playing politics with the lives of Texans. 1 in 4 Texans remain uninsured. 17% of the children in Texas have no health insurance. Everything is bigger in Texas, we are ranked first among the nation in the number of uninsured.
The Medicaid expansion will allow more than 1 million adults and over 800,00 children to get the care that they need.
Why is this important?
Texas has the highest proportion of the population living at or below the minimum wage in the nation. The expansion will help Texan's receive the care that they NEED, at lower cost, and without raising taxes on Texan's. We demand Governor Perry allow the expansion to go through as Republican Governor Chris Christie recently allowed in New Jersey.