To: The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, and Governor J.B. Pritzker

Governor Quinn Reverse the Elimination of Illinois Cares RX

The recent (unheralded) cuts to Medicaid included some very nasty cuts to prescription help for Senior Citizens in Illinois.

I can speak for myself by stating I probably will not be able to continue taking a number of medications needed for my heart, thyroid, polymyalgia rheumatica, bones and depression. I am not alone in this as I live in a senior community and many of my friends and neighbors face a similar fate.

There are so many other options available to the Governor and the Senators and Representatives - why would they decide to take away a life-saving option for Senior Citizens?

Tax cigarettes, postpone tax breaks for the CME and Sears, cut out perks for lawmakers but DON'T punish seniors who have worked all of their lives and now might need a little help.

Please sign this petition so it can show Governor Quinn and the House and Senate that this ruling is wrong and needs to be reversed or at the very least put on hold. As it stands now, this is scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2012.

Why is this important?

Over 200,000 senior citizens in Illinois are losing vital help to pay for their medications. This will force seniors to choose whether or not to take needed medcine(s). In many cases the cost of monthly premiums along with increased prescription costs will prove to be too much. The State of Illinois will probably see an increase in hospital and emergency room admissions due to people not taking needed and often life-saving prescriptions.