To: Governor J.B. Pritzker

Governor Rauner: Don't Close the Illinois State Museum

Mr. Rauner is currently threatening to close the Illinois State Museum if the legislature does not give him what he wants. Help make him understand that the museum is a vital part of the history and education of the great state of Illinois, and more importantly, that people should never be used as pawns!

Why is this important?

I have had the opportunity to volunteer at the Illinois State Museum and see firsthand what a vital role it plays in the education of our citizens. More importantly, I've had a chance to work with the amazing staff of the ISM, both on the public side and the research side, and I know they take their mission to heart. Closing the ISM would leave a void in the culture of the state, and these passionate and hard-working people will be caught in the crossfire of the dangerous game Mr. Rauner is playing. Join me in making him understand that people's lives matter.

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