To: Governor Steve Sisolak

Governor Sandoval: Stand With Women - Raise The Minimum Wage

President Obama in support of Women and our families called for a minimum wage increase that was, sadly, rejected by Congress. Many in good faith, however, increased the minimum wage for their workers to $10.10 an hour honoring the President's request. Governor Sandoval here in Nevada has yet to honor the President's request and take care of the people of Nevada. As a result, families in Nevada are struggling financially losing their homes and unable to afford childcare while they work and/or look for work. This petition is requesting Governor Sandoval to stand with Women and put Nevadans first by honoring President Obama and the people of Nevada's request to increase the minimum wage to at least $10.10 an hour like other United States have done. With Nevada's long time unemployed insurance cancelled, the working spouse more than ever needs their minimum wage salaries increased to be able to feed their families and keep a roof over their head until their partner can become gainfully employed who is currently without income.

Why is this important?

As a member of OFA'S Women's Leader Ship Corps and Community Leader Standing with Women, I am starting this petition on behalf of the Women of Nevada impacted the most by low wage salaries who have asked for intervention when it comes to the high cost of child care and other living expenses while working in minimum wage jobs Nevada is famous for. They have indicated making minimum wage salaries hinders them from working and/or looking for work due to the high cost of childcare making it impossible to work under the current minimum wage scale. We need Governor Sandoval to increase the minimum wage to a minimum of $10.10 an hour, then help us establish an affordable Child Care Coop Nevadans can afford while they work and look for work.