To: Governor Tony Evers

Governor Walker: Exonerate Steven Avery AND Brendan Dassey for their alleged involvement in the m...

Based on the evidence presented in the 10hr Netflix documentary "Making a Murderer," improper and Illegal methods were used by the Manitowoc County sheriff's department to wrongfully convict both of these men of crimes they never committed. Anything other than full exoneration for both parties would prove the inadequacies and inefficiency of the entire American Criminal Justice System, but most of all, the complete corruption of the state of Wisconsin as a whole.

Why is this important?

As an individual, and an American citizen, it's quite scary when you come to the realization that the very nation you were born and raised in has such a greatly flawed judicial system. In these two particular cases (against Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey,) improper methods were used by the Manitowoc County sheriff's department to convict them of crimes that they were never proved to have committed beyond a reasonable doubt.

If the American Judicial System, and the state of Wisconsin expect to be respected by the citizens of this nation in any way, shape or form, then these two men will need to be completely exonerated. They at VERY LEAST deserve the chance at new trials. For more information on their cases, and to make an informed decision of your own, please watch the Netflix documentary "Making a Murderer" and visit
