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To: Springfield High School/School District

Graduation 2020 SHS

Due to the complicated circumstances surrounding COVID-19, it is hard to create an environment for seniors where they both have freedom and social distancing boundaries. The seniors of Springfield High School want an experience that involves their friends and family while remaining safe. With the current idea of graduation in mind, seniors cannot experience graduation with their classmates or teachers. Instead of the current idea for graduation, it would be appreciated if students of the senior class could graduate on Brown Field. The field holds much space for a limited amount of family members, provides a safe distance for all of the students graduating, and would be nice to hold on a beautiful day outside.

Why is this important?

This is important to the senior class, because they have gone through so much this year. Spring sports have been cancelled, events such as prom, senior trip, and much more has been cancelled, along with the remaining school year. These students at least deserve to graduate together, not separately. If the staff truly believes 2020 is the vision for the future, then let the class see it’s own choice.



2020-05-24 19:07:27 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-05-24 18:03:27 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-05-24 17:33:04 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-05-24 17:11:50 -0400

10 signatures reached