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To: Michael K Young, President & CEO of Texas A&M


Recently A&M banned graffiti in the tunnel beneath Wellborn Road; if you disagree with this decision, please sign this petition to keep A&M from becoming a less artistic and lively community, and preserve a fun tradition! Formally, this petition directly argues against Standard Administrative Procedures 51.99.99.M0.02 Campus Signage, requesting that this rule be altered to allow chalk designs in the Wellborn Tunnel, both vertically on walls and horizontally on the ground.

Why is this important?

I miss walking by all the interesting and funny artworks in the tunnel every day, and now the tunnel is dull with Graffiti Prohibited signs spaced on the walls; it's depressing. They stopped the graffiti because maybe two individuals chose to go political, but there's no need to punish the entire student body.



2020-01-18 11:33:00 -0500

1,000 signatures reached