To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Grandfather application of student loan credit for public service.

We respectfully request that student loans given to individuals with 15 or more years of service in public health or public mental health receive the benefit of loan reduction, despite part or all of their service having occurred prior to the loan reduction legislation.

Why is this important?

I am 63 this year. I put in nearly 20 years as a mental health worker, case manager, and therapist. Despite the last 12 years of my career being comprised of two jobs, ( the second in cognitive therapy for. Violent Felons). I have been unable to maintain a home, so gle parent my daughter and pay on loans. The pay in public mental health with an MA. Peaked at 36k after all my years of service. Simple respect for people who do this work would dictate this as an equitable support.
Thank you
Alexander R. Anlyan
Ps: I have been working on this for years, please help.
