To: Sheldon Silver, Speaker of the New York State Assembly, Gerry Pretlow, Assemblyman, Mt.Vernon, NY, Ruth Haskell Thomas, Assemblywoman, Mt. Vernon, NY, Shelley Meyer, Assemblywoman, Yonkers, N Y, President Donald Trump, The New York State...

Grant Mr. Winston Campbell (No. 01-A1-1110) Executive Clemency Parole .

We are requesting that attention be placed on the application for parole and that Mr. Winston Campbell be granted Executive Clemency Parole.

Why is this important?

Mr. Winston Campbell , a great contributor to the Kingdom of God and the community, has been incarcerated at the Sing Sing Correctional Facility for more than 10 years now. Four years ago He applied for an immediate appearance before the board of parole for possible release. In February 2012 he received response that the application remains under review and that the application is receiving the careful attention it merits. The Church Ministry and The New York Communities need to be impacted by him. We need him out of Prison.