To: Kert Davies, Green Peace Research Director, Deepa Isac, Green Peace Deputy General Counsel, Phil Radford, Green Peace Executive Director, Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, President Donald Trump, The United States Hou...

GreenPeace:Help save the Native Americans!

Preventing the eradication of the indigenous people of this land(Native Americans) should have the same high priority as preventing the eradication of other nations of people elsewhere in the world.

Why is this important?

Native Americans have nearly been forced into oblivion because of our(American citizens) nearly complete disregard and indifference to their plight. We make efforts to save peoples all over the world, we make efforts to save the whale and the rain forest, etc., Saving the people indigenous to this land should have the same high priority as helping others everywhere else in the world.
