To: The Hawaii State House, The Hawaii State Senate, and Governor David Ige

Grow our fuel and support farmers and workers

Hawaii needs to stop being dependent on imported fuel. We have the land to grow our fuel and the population in need of work to process it into fuel. The most plentiful biomass plant for making into fuel is hemp. Hemp grows 20 feet tall in three months and was used by Henry Ford as fuel for his first cars. Some states have started growing hemp for industrial purposes and Hawaii can assert its right to do so also. Put our farm lands to work, put our people to work; grow hemp for fuel and free us from dependence on imported fuel.

Why is this important?

Hawaii can use its farm lands to grow our fuel. Processing the biomass into fuel will also create a lot of jobs for people. The best and quickest plant for creating and growing our biomass is hemp. Other states have started growing hemp for textiles and paper; however, Hawaii is vulnerable to high fuel prices because of the distance fuel must be transported. Growing our fuel is the answer. Biologically processed fuel is ecological as well.