To: Hines Veterans Administration Hospital and WSVA HOSPITAL, Director of Outpatient Affairs
Guaranteed Veteran Intitlement
Know one has the right to deny African Ametican servicemen benefits. Negroes are targets of malicious treatment by non service connected employees hired to help the men. They promised, under a hypocritical oath, ' do no harm'. Veterans were refused benefits under entitlement, since 1981 and told our claims for benefits would be thrown out. If veterans refused to take antabuse (a known toxic conpound) prescribed by outpatient doctors in the alcohol treatment programs at WSVA and Hines, VA Hospitals. Our rights were violated and a cover up by outpatient doctors employed at the clinic ensued. There is no known remedy in antabuse. unless exphixation is your desire.
Why is this important?
Civil rights and guaranteed entitlement refused. Just because we're African Americans. Two veterans fell dead after taking Antabuse prescribed at WSVA Outpatient Clinic. There's no mistake antabuse was the apparent cause of their fatal exphixiation.