To: The Massachusetts State House, The Massachusetts State Senate, and Governor Charlie Baker

Guilty until proven innocent

Keep our children safe. Stop taking the children over an allegation and not getting proof or evidence.

Why is this important?

On November 2, 2015, I had to have a meeting with my son's school because they restrained him and said a therapist said to do so. My son is 3 years old and disabled. Prior to the meeting on November 2, this is what happened leading up to the meeting:

I asked for the name of the therapist, which I could not be provided with from the teacher, nor the principal. I proceeded to call the Boston Public School system and was told that no therapist has been assigned yet!! I then explained this horrific dilemma and they told me, we will call you back. They called back with a recommendation to have a meeting with the principal (who couldn't give me a name before). At this meeting, I was trying to figure out the name of the therapist who prescribed a weighted jacket (10+ lbs) on a child who weighs 25 lbs. and has low muscle tone in his legs and core; I was never provided with the name. I then left the school.

Two hours after I left, the principal called DCF/CPS/DSS and stated I was impaired at this meeting. So, if I am impaired at an elementary school, I do not see a principal and/or teacher letting me walk from the 2nd floor through the school, with all these children in school, nor seeing them wait two hours to claim I'm impaired.

DCF met with me; I offered a drug screen which was denied, and they took my son from school where my son's father was waiting for him. DCF asked his father to walk into school with them and talk to his son. They refused to let the father or the grandmother have custody of him, so the father went up to talk with him, and while holding his boy, the principal ripped him out of his dad's arms, making my son scream and cry and it was so rough his father said if he didn't let go his son would've been injured. He probably has marks on him. DCF proceeded to take him out the back door and stuff him in the car screaming, crying, and flailing around, so knee to chest and forced him in.

His Grandmother was denied because... Still don't know. So I had a court date the next day and offered a drug and alcohol analysis supervised and it was denied. I had not been given any chance to prove the allegation is wrong. Now almost 6 months later, with 12-15 homes, 3 different hospitals, 10 workers at DCF, 6 supervisors, one area program manager, 2 directors, 3 surgeries, parental rights never taken, but no one will give the parents any information to which they are entitled. The hospital told me when I asked if my child arrived dead, would you call me? Ah well...yes or no, would you call me if my boy arrived dead - NO! It's up to the Department of Children and Families if they want to call you. Now why would I ask a harsh question, you may be thinking? Well, in the 12-15 homes he's been kicked out or removed from, mentally, physically, emotionally abused, with pictures and documentation, as well as being starved. When his grandmother, his dad, or I would bring him food, he would shove it in his face so fast he was gagging while trying to eat.

They still never proved my impairment, but I've proved no illicit substances are in my system - no alcohol either. I can't get a meeting or one vital question answered; what else or what more can I do to get MY son home?? Almost 6 months, and no answer to this one question. Meetings are canceled, calls are not returned, or when they are returned the subject is avoided or I'm told to ask someone else; always avoided. There is no consistency at all as you see, all the people involved in the case from the department, no schedules for visits, never can I tell my boy on this day, this time, I'll be there. Nope, every day, every time, and almost every visit is in a different place.

On the surgery date, I was allowed by the judge to be there. It was suppose to be for all 5 days and 4 overnights as suggested by the surgeon at court and the judge, but right before surgery I was asked if I would like to go in back to hold the mask so he's relaxed while anaesthesia was given - of course I wanted to go in, but DCF said she was going in!!! The doctor and hospital never saw or heard of anything like this.

So let's not let another family nor child be tortured through what they call "protective services"! That's the furthest thing I'd call whatever they've done to my 3-year-old disabled child. He's so afraid, lonely, and feeling unloved; he wants to know. why he can't come home??? How do I Answer?? I just tell him that he did nothing wrong; when things get figured out you will be home. I don't know what to say. He went to school, was restrained and never came back and has been tortured; this will affect him for a long time.

The longer he's gone, the worse it's getting. One of the homes he was at before and from which he was taken from or kicked out if, he's back staying there. After he went back, his dad saw him the next day and he had a new cut on his face and on his back. His dad asked, what happened? My son said, "A bigger kid tried to take my food and we fight, I'm hungry, it's my food Daddy." Stop this from continuing, please.
