To: Ron Japinga, Guitar Center Chief Executive Officer, Tim Martin, Guitar Center Chief Financial Officer, and Michael Amkreutz, Guitar Center EVP of Sales

Guitar Center: Stop Funding the Hateful Website Breitbart

Stop funding hate. Remove your ads from Breitbart.

Why is this important?

In January, I informed Guitar Center over Twitter that they had ads running on the racist, sexist, xenophobic website Breitbart. Breitbart is the website that Trump advisor Steve Bannon ran before moving over to Trump’s campaign. Bannon said that the website was a platform for the alt-right movement, a sanitized word for white nationalism and hate groups. Here’s just a few of the horrible headlines that have run on the website:

- Hoist it high and proud: The Confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage
- Birth control makes women unattractive and crazy
- Gay rights have made us dumber, it's time to get back in the closet

Breitbart has helped spread the hate and bigotry that propelled Donald Trump to the White House and plans to start doing the same in Europe.

We need to stop it and one of the ways that people across the world are taking action to slow down the growth of this hate is by asking companies to remove their ads from, so they aren’t funding the site through ad revenue.

More than 900 companies, including BMW, Kelloggs and AllState, have already pulled their ads, so I assumed that Guitar Center would act quickly to do the same.

But, Guitar Center has so far ignored tweets letting them know about their ads and has not confirmed whether it’s removed its ads from Breitbart.

Sign the petition to Guitar Center CEO Ron Japinga, CFO Tim Martin and EVP of Sales Michael Amkreutz to demand they stop funding hate and remove Guitar Center ads from the Breitbart website.
