To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Gun Control

Tighten gun laws to prevent accidental deaths, suicides and murders.

Why is this important?

In the Newtown shooting Adam Lanza, a mentally unstable 20 year old, killed 20 1st grade students and 6 women with an assault rifle which his mother bought. If we as a nation tighten gun laws, lives could be saved. A two minute background check could have saved those lives. Aren't those lives worth those two minutes? I am hoping that congress will consider the following options:
Fingerprint technology to unlock guns.
Limits on assault weapons.
Limit the number of bullets (rounds) in a clip to 10.
24 hour waiting period to buy a gun.
Place limits on the ability of the mentally ill to purchase guns.
Please consider signing my petition.
