To: The Ohio State House, The Ohio State Senate, Governor Mike DeWine, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump
Gun Control
Safety and security are an important concern among most Americans and it is one of the primary needs according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs once Physical needs (food, shelter, etc) have been met. What we disagree about is how to meet those needs of safety. Some seem to believe that every man and woman needs to have guns as part of their Second Amendment right and there seems to be no restriction on the number or type. Others of us believe that we would have a safer nation with control and look to countries like Australia who have gun control as an example of what can be done with leaders who are committed to gun control. We all want safety and that needs to be a primary emphasis so that our country does not have an increased epidemic of gun violence. Laws are made to protect citizens and we need to do that with gun control. The answer is not training educators as expert marksmen as we all have to deal with society's violence outside of the schools and in our cities and neighborhoods. Arming every man, woman, and child with guns is not the answer to the problem of safety, especially with the availability of AR-15s in our country. We do not want a military state to exist in our country because of the directions that could take as restrictions to life, liberty and pursuit of justice.
Why is this important?
Statistics reveal that our country is much more violent than many other countries in the world which is a horrible reflection on our nation. Other developed nations have established gun control so we have examples to study as we can improve our country like they have done. Safety for all by limiting the guns available can happen with leaders who are committed to those which is what the majority of the country wants. Do we have to become worse than Yemen before we decide there is a problem? Hopefully not.