To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Gun Control

We need to treat guns for what they are, weapons. Just like we treat automobiles. currently it is much more difficult to get a drivers license then it is for one to get his hands on a weapon such as a gun or an automatic rifle. So with that in mind why not treat guns like we do automobiles.
Like an automobile all guns should have title and be tagged at the time of purchase. Registration should be filed with the ATF
Like an automobile all owners must have a license in order to own a firearm.
Like an automobile all owners of a gun or weapon should pass a written test.
There must be a practical test and or practice test to be administered by a licensed state professional.
Like an automobile there must be health requirements met and that health requirements must be met in order to own a weapon or firearm.
Like a drivers license all licenses on firearms should be set to expire and be retested after four years. With retesting as an option.
Like with an automobile all owners of guns and firearms should be required to have liability insurance at all times on each of those weapons.
Like an automobile all guns should have regular inspections to make sure that they are still properly cared for. failure to do so could result in the loss of the gun and license until properly corrected.
Like an automobile that must be registered with the DMV, all weapons should be registered with ATF that would include the sale of all second party or third-party sales of firearms.
Failure to register a sale as a third-party, individuals would be liable of all instances where that if the gun is used in the act of a criminal offense the registered owner could be held liable as criminally
Like with the privilege of being able to drive an automobile all gun owners must be of a certain age preferably over the age of 18.
Like with an automobile all gun owners must realize that owning a gun is a privilege and not a right.
As with an automobile all guns found not to have proper insurance will be liable for fine or a possible jail term.

Nowhere in the Constitution does it state that we have a right to own guns or automatic weapons. it clearly states the right to bear arms. With this theory an atomic weapon could fall under my right to own and bear arms yet it is much more difficult to own an atomic weapon that it is for me to on an automatic weapon then it is to own an automatic weapon or an assault weapons such as the A.R. 15.

Now is the time to recognize this fact and to act on it accordingly

Why is this important?

With the rash of violence in recent times my petition is for the control of guns in United States.
