To: Rep. Joe Courtney (CT-2), Sen. Richard Blumenthal (CT-1), and Sen. Christopher Murphy (CT-2)
Gun Control Now
Gun violence is escalating in the U.S., particularly in the form of suicides and mass shootings. In Australia after two years of increased mass shootings they instituted strict gun control and haven't had an incidence since. We cannot play around being polite about this issue any longer.
Why is this important?
Gun violence and arguments in favor of "the right to bear arms" are contributing mightily to a culture of self indulgence in this country. If we can tolerate/justify mass shootings, increased suicides, the message is anything goes in the realm of individual rights. My brother was one of the suicide by gun victims so its personal but it is also political. I prefer to live in a country that acts to preserve community, serves the populace as a whole as best it can. Get it safe. Enact strict gun control now.