To: President Donald Trump, The Connecticut State House, The Connecticut State Senate, Governor Ned Lamont, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Gun Safety and the Mentally Ill.

Proposed laws:

1 Felony to teach mentally ill to shoot/target practice or operate a firearm in any manner.

2 Felony for the caregiver of a mentally ill person in direct possession of a firearm.

3 Felony for family or friends of mentally ill in possession of any and all firearms that ARE NOT kept locked with trigger locks and or locked up in a suitable gun safe. KEYS AND COMBINATIONS MUST BE KEPT OUT OF ACCESS OF MENTALLY ILL.

4 Felony for ANYONE using PRESCRIBED MOOD ENHANCERS and other MIND STABILIZING MEDS. in possession of a loaded firearm.

5 Felony for mentally ill person prescribed mood enhancers PLAYING OR IN THE POSSESSION of violent hunter killer video games.

6 Felony for care givers of mentally ill who allow possession and use of said video games by mentally ill.

Why is this important?

Something needs to be done to Illegalize the use of firearms by the mentally ill.

It needs to be a Felony to teach mentally ill to shoot and operate a firearm.

There are NO laws against this.