To: The Minnesota State House, The Minnesota State Senate, and Governor Tim Walz

Gun Violence Prevention

As Minnesotans who care about the safety and security of our families, friends, and communities, we call on you to support and work for the passage of commonsense gun violence prevention legislation for the state of Minnesota.

DON’T let the NRA hijack the legislative process in Minnesota. DO show some courage and support mandatory universal background checks, including the Paymar and Latz bills. Make Minnesota a model of common sense for the rest of the country. Protect our children, our families, and our communities, not the NRA.

Why is this important?

We have a friend who has lost a loved one in a gun rampage in Minneapolis. Residents of our state were murdered in a gun rampage several years ago. But more Minnesotans die each year from accidental shootings. And more Minnesotans are victimized by gun owners who shouldn't have them but were able to buy them without being subjected to any scrutiny. This unnecessary violence must end.
