To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Guns are protected by the Second Amendment, Bullets are not; let’s use licensed psychiatrist to e...

Guns are protected by the Second Amendment, Bullets are not; let’s use licensed psychiatrist to evaluate and to write a prescription for bullets.
Let’s attack this epidemic of gun violence from the back end using medical professionals to evaluate possible homicidal maniacs. I know the Gun Lobby is too strong; and the Second Amendment to engrained into our culture to defeat. Let’s attack this issue from the back end.
I live in New Jersey, if you wish to purchase a hypodermic needle here; you need a doctor’s prescription. That would include hypodermics for insulin, hypodermics to inject glue under carpets and linoleum; and hypodermics to inject flavoring into beef, turkey, chicken, or ham.
If we were to require the purchase of bullets by prescription by licensed psychiatrist, we would use systems that are already in existence, by the best professionals able to judge the mental stabilization of their patient. We would not need additional officers in schools; we would not need to arm teachers; we would not need the expense of metal detectors; but most importantly; we would not need to fight the NRA.
People could own guns; we would not infringe on their Second Amendment Rights. We would only limit those who could buy bullets; after a psychiatrist evaluation. The Second Amendment is never touched. It’s a Win-Win for everybody.
Let’s face it, a gun without bullets is only a club. Let the NRA have its way with guns; let’s just restrict the bullets to the crazies. The expense and the evaluation should curb gun violence dramatically without infringing on Constitutional Rights.

Why is this important?

I live in New Jersey, if you wish to purchase a hypodermic needle here; you need a doctor’s prescription. That would include hypodermics for insulin, hypodermics to inject glue under carpets and linoleum; and hypodermics to inject flavoring into beef, turkey, chicken, or ham.
