To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Guns in America: A New Year's Resolution

Be it resolved, this new year of 2013, I will speak out about our leaders' failure to protect us and our children from gun violence. I hope you are ready to listen, starting January 1, 2013 on the National Mall.

Why is this important?

I have been to rallies and protests to end wars. To free Soviet Jews. To support exploited workers. To fight AIDS. For women's equality and reproductive freedom. Against the death penalty. And more. But i have never publicly protested our nation's willingness to allow guns of all kinds to proliferate, almost unchecked.

New Year's resolutions are mostly useless. Perhaps this year, all of us could make one resolution we mean to keep. That before the end of 2013, we will all let our voices be heard on this issue. For efficiency's sake, why not just all meet on the National Mall on January 1, 2013. And please, bring the kids.

Mourn, then organize!
