To: The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, and Governor Ron DeSantis


I am daring Governor Scott, to Florida House and Senate to try and set up a system which will give them a way to steal the next Presidential election by changing the way electors to the electoral college are awarded. The reason I do not believe they have guts enough to do it is because if they take that action it will unite the Democratic Party in Florida more strongly than it has been in a lot of years. So go ahead Governor Scott if you have so little Character that you can make it okay to steal and lets get it on!!!

Why is this important?

Governor Scott, Florida House and Senate,I do not believe you have Guts enough to change the way Florida allots its electors for the electoral college in Presidential elections. Go ahead if you can find the courage because if you think Democrats were united in the last Presidential election just wait til you try to steal an election from us. I dare you!!!