To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

H1B1 Visa Abuse

Employers are required to prove that they have tried to find a US citizen for a job, before placing an H1B1 worker. The H1B1 worker must also be required to prove they have previous experience in
the field, an Employers must be required to show they have sufficiently
vetted these workers before placing them in a position.

Why is this important?

Employers, especially in the SF Bay Area, are bring in unqualified H1B1 workers because they are cheap. I see it time & time again in my work. Headhunters openlly admit it too me. It is doing a disservice
to us because the H1B1 workers are simply getting free training here as they are not really trained for these programming positions. I'm a middle age women, having trouble getting a position in this field as it is
dominated by H1B1 workers.