To: The United States House of Representatives

Habeas Corpus/Defense Amendment Petition

We the people declare the inalienable write of Habeas Corpus a human right, with no exceptions. Anyone preempting this right is by definition a tyrant and therefore unfit for office of any kind, disqualified from having any further authority in any United States Government. An act of preemption of Habeas Corpus must be accepted as an official resignation from anyone and everyone holding a public office of any kind.

The declaration and execution of war for anything other than defense of an actual attack on America, or a defense treaty ally is a felony. The execution of a false flag operation to entice America to go to war is a felony punishable by death. America will not go to war until a thorough independent investigation of any attack has been carried out by two appointed independent agencies not related to defense contractors, bankers, oil companies or any special interests in any way.

No war shall be declared unless the first wave of troops into every battle is composed of Congressmen, Senators, President, Vice President and their fighting age kin. No war shall be fought for "our interests". America has no right to kill people because they have an "interest" in anything.

Why is this important?

Movement for a Constitutional Amendment that codifies Habeas Corpus as a human right for all people everywhere and makes War illegal except in self-defense, making false flag operations a felony punishable by death; and requiring thorough independent investigations of all incidents that would prompt a defensive war.