To: Glenn Moramarco, Haddonfield BOE President, Susan Kutner, Haddonfield BOE Vice President, Drew Hansen, Carlton Chin, David Siedell, Mary Fagan, Adam Sangillo, Joshua Drew, and Heather Paoli

Haddonfield BOE: Concerned parents request a resolution OPPOSING proposed NJ graduation requirements

Haddonfield parents believe NJ should continue to allow multiple pathways to a diploma by including alternatives that do not rely solely on standardized tests. Relying on the PARCC exam before it has been independently validated as an accurate assessment substantially increases the risk of unfairly denying a large number of otherwise qualified students a diploma. We also request that the resolution recommends that the State continue to respect parents' rights to make decisions regarding the assessment alternatives most appropriate for their children. We respectfully request that you address this concern at the next BOE meeting on April 28, 2016.

Why is this important?

Under the proposed requirements, a child who has an excellent overall GPA and has met all course requirements to graduate runs the risk of not receiving a diploma simply because s/he does not do well on a single standardized test. The undersigned parents urge the Haddonfield BOE to issue a resolution that opposes the proposed graduation requirements in favor of one that offers multiple pathways to a diploma and recognizes the need to validate the efficacy of the PARCC over a multi-year period before considering its use as an exit exam. For more on BOE resolutions related to the proposed requirements, go here:
