To: Governor Jay Inslee
Halt Foreclosures Now
Governor Gregoire, this is urgent. Will you order an emergency halt to foreclosures in Washington State, beginning immediately, until all situations are properly reviewed and discussed with the homeowner?
Why is this important?
A Friend and neighborhood activist is being foreclosed. He built the house with his own hands but will be on the street in 10 days if someone buys it at auction in 9 days, October 26. His many communications with the mortgage holders, who, it seems, are not the actual mortgage holders, have yielded no action nor have they even been acknowledged. Governor Gregoire, this is urgent. Will you, or the person you designate appropriate, order an emergency halt to foreclosures in Washington State until all situations are properly reviewed and especially, discussed with the homeowner?
An excerpt from his letter is below:
"On the 16th of August, 2012 the Washington State Supreme Court ruled unanimously that certain foreclosure activities in which MERS does not hold the promissory note is not a lawful beneficiary. Consequently, an unlawful beneficiary could not proceed with a foreclosure.It is my understanding that by law a trustee is a neutral party. And yet every action Regional Trustee has taken thus far has been bank driven and bank represented (perhaps even bank financed?). Why has there been no effort by the trustee to hear my side of the story? Please explain, so that i may understand. I have been told (and this is clearly documented in the public records of my home) that HSBC is not the holder of my note, nor is MERS, both of whom are listed as the only beneficiaries on my foreclosure notice.I ask Regional Trustee to do the same, to step toward the side of justice, of people, of Humanity and cancel this auction, at least until HSBC cleans up its own house before it steals others, at least until my concerns stated herein are fully addressed, and certainly until the true owners of my mortgage step out of hiding and justify their actions."
An excerpt from his letter is below:
"On the 16th of August, 2012 the Washington State Supreme Court ruled unanimously that certain foreclosure activities in which MERS does not hold the promissory note is not a lawful beneficiary. Consequently, an unlawful beneficiary could not proceed with a foreclosure.It is my understanding that by law a trustee is a neutral party. And yet every action Regional Trustee has taken thus far has been bank driven and bank represented (perhaps even bank financed?). Why has there been no effort by the trustee to hear my side of the story? Please explain, so that i may understand. I have been told (and this is clearly documented in the public records of my home) that HSBC is not the holder of my note, nor is MERS, both of whom are listed as the only beneficiaries on my foreclosure notice.I ask Regional Trustee to do the same, to step toward the side of justice, of people, of Humanity and cancel this auction, at least until HSBC cleans up its own house before it steals others, at least until my concerns stated herein are fully addressed, and certainly until the true owners of my mortgage step out of hiding and justify their actions."