To: President Donald Trump, The Delaware State House, The Delaware State Senate, Governor John Carney, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Halt Proposed Offshore Atlantic Oil and Gas Drilling

By March 30th, 2015, please provide public comment to the Federal Government against the proposed offshore Atlantic drilling and seismic testing. We do not need a BP oil disaster off our coastline!

Why is this important?

Before the public comment period ends on March 30th, 2015, please go to!submitComment;D=BOEM-2014-0096-0001 and express your concerns with the proposed offshore Atlantic oil and gas drilling, plus seismic testing. This could be catastrophic for important commercial and recreational fishing and for coastal communities that rely heavily on tourism. Clean, renewable, wind energy should be explored in these areas, not oil. We do not need a BP oil disaster off our coastline!