To: Dr. William Carnes, HSE School Superintendent

Hamilton Proper Opposition to HSE Redistricting Proposals

The current redistricting options either split our neighborhood community in half and/or send our children to completely different feeder schools from current state, some of which are as many as 6-8 miles from our neighborhood and would involve long bus times and lack of easy access for families. We believe that these proposals will impact our property values and our children in a negative manner and we ask that the committees re-evaluate these proposals to (a) ensure our neighborhood is kept whole and (b) create greater consistency in our children's educational experience with current feeder structure versus the newly proposed options. We ask that the committee add an option for Hamilton Proper residents (ALL villages versus the subdivided comparison data being utilized by the committee) to have BSE, FCI and the junior high to be moved onto Olio Road (current Freshman Campus building) as an option for our children.

Why is this important?

As part of the HSE school redistricting initiative our neighborhood has been proposed as one that may split schools. In addition, the schools proposed for our children are a wholesale difference from current state and involve much longer bus times and 2-3x greater distance from our home. Especially at the intermediate/junior high level, it is so important that kids can stay together as a group that feed to HSE. Right now, all the options have our kids going to schools that mostly funnel to FHS (in some cases a 65/35 split which is entirely unacceptable).
