To: President Donald Trump

Hand that Feeds

Bring the food back and give freedom of choice within the lunchroom

Why is this important?

Hand that feeds

In response to the effects of presidential memorandum, "Let's Move" we the signers of this petition recognize the flaws of it and, in discontent, have begun a petition for the people to have signed. We also plead that the required calorie count on private vender's products within the public school system be banished.We demand that the public school system permit caffeinated and non-diet beverage products to be distributed in vending machines of private cooperations with in school property.

We ask that the school system allow food of any calorie count to be distributed to be sold but a healthier alternative of the food must be available. For the focus of the students, it is fundamental that coffee be required to be vended at school by staff of school and/or school program.

We demand that the lunch room be regulated by either school administration, district, or state not by national government. We recognize waste and see fit to make sure school cafeterias are no longer required to hand out food unwanted by student. We demand all food before the enactment of presidential memorandum "let's move" should be redistributed again. Ultimately our goal is the nullification presidential memorandum "let's move".

In addition, we would like to state that all members of lunch staff did not take part and should retain their jobs.

Brian Stewart and accomplices