To: Bud Haskell, news editor channel 7 news

Harassment of everyone at spring break panamacitybch,fl 2015

The police are harassing everyone and need to be stopped!!!They need to go home and take a chill pill!!!!I cant make any money with all the cops busting people all over the place !!!They hired state troopers to stop everyones good time so they need stopped!!!Fight for your right to party!!!!

Why is this important?

Im a cab driver and have witnessed all the injustices of the crooked police!!They wrote me a ticket for stopping to pick up breakers and their is a ordinance for me to stop and pick up breakers !!So I filed harassment against the police and they ignored me and I got fired so their is a pay day for that!!!!So come on people lets stop these communist pigs!!!Fight for your right to party !!!!Sign today please Rob.
