To: Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO

#HateTwitter: Tell CEO Jack Dorsey to stop promoting anti-immigrant hate groups!

If Twitter really is trying to curb hate on it’s platform, it should stop promoting the tweets of an organization designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Twitter’s promoted tweets and trends have recently featured harmful content by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), a designated hate group.

FAIR isn’t just any hate group. It’s one of the worst of many bad ones founded by the white supremacist John Tanton. And through groups like FAIR, anti-immigrant white supremacists legitimize violence against our communities. FAIR is also one of the primary architects and cheerleaders of policies that have torn millions of immigrants away from their families and communities through deportation, imprisonment, and even death.

FAIR has also received $1.2 million from the Pioneer Fund, a eugenicist organization with Nazi ties founded to pursue “race betterment” by promoting the genetics of American whites. It’s one thing to try and balance free speech and hate speech, it’s entirely another to take money and promote the views of a hate group like FAIR, that exists entirely to harm and reduce the amount of immigrants in this country.

I urge you to refuse to do business with designated hate groups, like FAIR.

Why is this important?

Why is Twitter amplifying the tweets of hate groups? Twitter’s promoted tweets and trends have recently featured harmful content by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), a designated hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Profiting from hate and hate groups is unacceptable.

FAIR isn’t just any hate group. It’s one of the worst of many bad ones founded by the white supremacist John Tanton. And through groups like FAIR, anti-immigrant white supremacists legitimize violence against our communities. FAIR is also one of the primary architects and cheerleaders of policies that have torn millions of immigrants away from their families and communities through deportation, imprisonment, and even death. In fact, Donald Trump has hired their former Executive Director, Julie Kirchner, to be an advisor to Customs and Border Protection.

Sign and share this petition to tell Twitter to do the right thing.


