To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

"Hatred" Video Game deletion

"Hatred" is a video game that is slated for Q2 of 2015 where you play as a homicidal maniac killing people in a mass murder spree. This game is not what gaming is about, nor what human emotion is about. Please sign to have this atrocity removed before it's allowed to harm people.

Why is this important?

I am not one for unneeded violence or violence where someone is brutally killed. That being said games like Grand Theft Auto, World of Warcraft, and Super Smash Brothers are all games i play because killing isn't the objective but something you do in the game to advance a story, enjoy yourself, or make in game decisions. "Hatred" has no story, no care for the individuals in it, and no need to honestly be made.

Everyone will cry and say "oh well its just a game, games don't make people into killers or crazy people", and personally i 100% agree. However this "game" isn't really your conventional shooter where you kill aliens trying to destroy your planet, or where you shoot fireballs at zombies, or even where you can stick a goats tongue to an axe and chase people around. This "game" is a murder-suicide simulator. This allows people who are so inclined to take up arms against "the human worms feasting on the worlds carcass". - an actual quote from the player character

You play as a man who wants to for no real reason kill any person that he sees and die. The creators of the graphics engine that brought this game into being is actively seeking that their logo is removed from this game as to how awful it really is.

I urge everyone to sign this petition to remove this game from the shelves before it even gets the chance to make it into a TV ad.

Game Trailer link for reference above.