To: Reverand Al Sharpton, President Donald Trump, The New York State House, The New York State Senate, Governor Andrew Cuomo, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Have Detective Butler Of the 103 Precinct in South Jamaica, Queens Removed From His Post

In early October 2013, sometime after 6 PM, I was walking along 108 Avenue and Sutphin Boulevard in South Jamaica, Queens when a black car with tinted windows that I had noticed driving by me earlier abruptly pulled up and two tall very muscular guys in Black suits jumped out of the car. Both were half my size and they cornered me by the fence and told me to "dont move" and started feeling in my pockets asking me if I have any weapons on me or anything that is illegal.

After searching and finding nothing, they start getting more aggressive and asking what is my name and what am I doing out here at this time of night(once again it was after 6pm). I am not answering them and at this point the guy who was doing most of the talking got frustrated.(Detective Butler who i would later find out his name) He pulled out a shield and told me "Hey buddy you know we are cops right". He said to his partner "I think he must be retarded" because I was not responding back. I was pissed off hearing this because I had complied with whoever these guys were and they had the nerve to disrespect me. At this point, whether or not I suspected they were cops or not, they had already broken numerous rules including harassing and physically imposing themselves on someone without first introducing themselves.

They had finished searching me but still would not allow me to leave and although they did not have their hands on me anymore, they were standing in front of me on the sidewalk blocking my way and repeated one last time "Who are you!!". I reached into my pocket and pulled out my ID and showed the leader of the two and he looked at it with a funny look. The type of ID I showed him was my College ID, and I guess he had a shocked look on his face because he never expected in the slightest that a young Black male walking at night in the Fall with his hood on actually had an education. It must have been funny to hear himself refer to me as "retarded" when there is a very likely chance that I would surpass his educational background(if he even has one) within years.

After he gets what he wanted, he told me "that was all i was asking for buddy" and that when a cop asks you who are you you better tell them right away and at this point they both make up a story that they thought i was a "suspect we were looking for that had a warrant on them. How would you be able to tell I am a suspect that had a warrant with my hood on and you were driving Behind me and likely could not see my face?

' and "don't get hurt...because we will fuck you up" ". I retorted back to them that you guys never introduced yourself to me in the first place and did not decide to identify yourself until after I was initially not showing my ID. How can you justify me being in the wrong when you made various errors in your assessment? He repeated once again "Don't get yourself will get yourself hurt".

The leave and I am still pissed off that they just nonchalantly act like they were above being wrong about they way they acted . I contact the following complaint review board:

After leaving my phone number I waited a week for a response but heard nothing, even after leaving a voicemail describing the incident. t

About two or three weeks ago I decided to then go into the 103 precinct itself to address the situation after initially giving up. When I was sitting down I saw the VERY officer walk through the doors with the same pissed off look on his face that he had on that night, with his chest puffed out and we noticed each other the same time because from the glass windows he had a surprised look on his face, he walked by right by me and went up to the elevator and I decided to leave then after thinking that there is no way the precinct would do anything about this at all. When he walked by me I noticed the badge on his uniform(remember he was undercover that day I saw him) with the name "Butler"

Later the next day I figured what I was going to do, and I called the Detective unit and spoke to a detective and told them I was looking for "Detective Butler" and if he was in. After they asked me what was the reason, I answered that I had a question to ask them about him stopping me(I was honest) , they told me that he normally comes in Tuesday nights after 6.

I had heard of MoveOn.Org and its role in various petitions over the past year and decided to come here to see if this would be the best way to get my story across.

Those of you who do not remember, the 103 Precinct is the same police who were responsible for the cold blooded murder of Sean Bell 7 years ago. I do not know what it will ever take for them or other police organizations to change.

Why is this important?

To help slow down and prevent this influx of police officers stereotyping and primarily targeting minorities because of their fear of them. Many of us cannot even walk home without being harassed and it is ridiculous when our critics talk about us "looking suspicious" and basically stooping to the level of the officers. I want to start this petition in order to address and call out this racist officer of the 103 Precinct, and make sure this is not something that is "settled out of court". Paying off the people they know they profiled is a primary reason this continues to happen. I do not want that to be a recurring thing and want to be the person to help stop that.
