To: Senator Clayton Hee, Senate Maile Shimabukuro, Representative Sylvia Luke, Representative Scott Nishimoto, Representative Mark Nakashima, Representative Mark Hashem, Senator David Ige, Troy Hashimoto (HI-8), Donna Kim (HI-14), and Gove...

Hawaii Needs a Raise!

Raise Hawai'i's minimum wage to $ 9.25 an hour!

Why is this important?

We have not raised the minimum wage in Hawaii in seven years. While our cost of living is higher than almost any other state, our minimum wage is behind 19 other states. Our people have a hard time getting by and most work two jobs. Raising the wage floor will help a lot of families do a little better.

In addition to the wage itself there are two other important issues addressed by this bill:

We are concerned with talk about not fully including tipped workers in this increase. The so called "tip credit" is unfair to restaurant workers who make up a big portion of Hawaii's work force.

Second we'd like to make sure the wage keeps pace with inflation in the future and we want to include an automatic increase tagged to inflation.