We, the concerned Citizens, petition the Hawaii Legislature and Honolulu City Council to stop the proposed “Building B” of the 801 South Street project by developer, Downtown Capital LLC.
“Building B” negatively affects the health, safety and general welfare of current and future residents of Kakaako.
Major issues for our growing population include: 1) No improvements or upgrades to infrastructure -- sewer system, sewage treatment plants’ capacity, storm drainage, utilities, roads; 2) Increased traffic congestion and safety concerns; 3) Strain on existing public facilities -- hospitals, schools; and 4) No proposed elementary and middle schools in Kakaako.
We oppose “Building B” modifications requested by the developer: 1) Change of Mauka Area Rules parking structure limit from 65 feet high to 107 feet high; 2) Exemption from satisfying the base LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) building green standards rating system for new construction; and 3) Change parking access/Kapiolani Boulevard driveway from 22 feet distance from adjacent properties to 6 feet 3 inches distance.
We ask the Hawaii Legislature and Honolulu City Council to stop HCDA (Hawaii Community Development Authority) from approving the development permit application for “Building B” of the 801 South Street project.
Why is this important?
Stop the HCDA and Stop 801 South Street's Phase 2. Hawaii's Community Development Authority (HCDA) is disregarding the residents of Kaka'ako in Honolulu, Hawaii by allowing developers to build an additional 410 new apartments before resolving key issues such as 100 year old septic pipes, lack of schools for the new residents, and inadequate roadways. Sign to support those who love, work and play in Kaka'ako.